Home Teleservice


Quick and fast support

To ensure rapid, effective and timely assistance, so as to resolve any problems as soon as they arise, we provide our customers with a help desk service with remote assistance.

Click on the button to download a software that will allow our technician to provide direct and real-time assistance through a temporary remote control of your computer. In this way we can follow you step by step in configuring your accounts or to solve any problems.

For more information on the remote assistance service, or to request personalized technical assistance, send your request to our help-desk support.


NOTA: Scaricando il software si autorizza NUR S.r.l. a prestare servizio di assistenza attraverso l’installazione di questo software. In nessun caso NUR S.r.l. sarà ritenuta responsabile per qualsiasi danno diretto, indiretto, particolare, accidentale o consequenziale derivante dall’utilizzo del servizio di teleassistenza.